Module 2: Successfull time management

  • Time pressure is one of the biggest stress factors. To avoid the hustle and bustle, it helps to carry an agenda. So you don`t forget anything and you can coordinate your appointments.

  • Using a to-do list you can organize your tasks in order of importance. If you at any time fail to be done, you have at least been done the most important tasks.

  • Analyse your time wasters and try to avoid them. Then you gain reserve time.

  • If you can submit tasks to others, then use this option. Why should soemeone else not get it done as good as you?

  • Always try to do one after the other or combine similar activies. Any adjustment to a new task takes time. There is no multi-tasking!

  • Learn to say "no". The day has only 24 hours. This must be accepted by your fellow men.



Successful time management

Test items by Krämer & Fuchs (2010)

How much do these barriers distract you from doing physical activity? rarelysomewhatnot at all
I am not in the mood.
I am tired.
I am stressed.
I have so many things to do.
I am depressed.
I am so comfortable at home.
The weather is not nice.
My friends want to do something with me.
There is something interesting on TV.
I have a headache.
To overcome these barriers, I… neversometimesalways
…make a plan of exactly when I will be physically active.
…schedule a time with my friends to do physical activity.
…tell my friends or parents about my physical activity plans.
…arrange my sport clothes so they are ready to go.
…make a note in my calendar.
…decide to give myself a treat after my physical activity.
…do not distract myself by reading, watching TV, making phone calls, etc.
…think of how bad I would feel if I am not physically active.
…try to ignore unpleasant situations that arise (e.g. rain, fear of embarrassment)
…avoid thinking about other things to do which I could do instead of physical activity.